Welcome to LEDs Magazine’s Focus On LEDs in Lighting newsletter for March 23, 2023. After attending LEDucation a couple of weeks back, I was truly able to appreciate the differences in experience, the breadth of expertise, and the passion for uncompromising light quality I saw from exhibitors and key personnel I met with there. And the enthusiasm for discussion was evident as well. When I attended a session on life cycle assessment, one lighting manufacturing representative asked hard questions about maintaining profitability and productivity, while staying ahead of customer needs, if they have to include deep dives into sourcing, carbon emissions potential, and supply logistics details on every component in every fixture to calculate the LCA. The collective answer from speakers Leela Shanker, Kate Hickcox, and Russell Greenberg was that it wasn’t a question of “every component, every fixture” but rather developing enough information that average LCAs could be calculated and utilized across a number of product types — before further regulations mandate which actions you must take.
In this issue:
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Carrie Meadows, [email protected]