UPRtek and Philips cooperate on LED flicker meter research

March 25, 2016
UPRtek, the pioneering solution provider of lighting measurement, and Philips Lighting, a global lighting market leader, are working together on stroboscopic visibility measure (SVM) implementation and verification for testing and measuring LED flicker.

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During the past years, scientific committees (e.g., EC SCENIHR [1]) have associated these temporal light artefacts (TLA) with potential health, performance and safety-related effects. New TLA assessment methods to solve the root cause on temporal light artefacts (TLA) consist of flicker and/or stroboscopic effect are now validated and implemented. According to Dr. Pierre Beeckman [2] released with the Philips Research Netherlands BV, Philips Lighting – Shanghai, the international IEC and national standardization committees and working groups.

In view of your anticipating the National standardization and regulation, UPRtek’s mobile flicker meter MF250N, is available now to show a good match to all three quantities: SVM, Modulation Depth (also called Flicker Percentage) and Flicker Index.

About "Flicker and Stroboscopic Effects":

• Flicker is defined as the direct perception of temporal changes in the light output (luminance flicker) or color (chromatic flicker) of the light, and is a well-known temporal artifact.
• The stroboscopic effect refers to the interaction of moving objects with temporally modulated light that causes the object to appear to move discreetly rather than continuously. This effect is not as well understood as flicker. (see more on UPRtek FAQ)

About MF250N flicker meter:
• Want to get the SVM update on your MF250N? Please log in FREE member here: http://www.uprtek.com/style/frame/m5/member_login.asp?lang=2&customer_id=2724&content_set=color_2&name_id=132922

[1]. EC SCENIHR (Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks), Health Effects of Artificial Light, adopted on 19 March 2012

[2]. Dr. Pierre Beeckman is with Philips Lighting in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. His activities focus on EMC and EMF standardized tests, and on test and measurement of flicker and stroboscopic effect of lighting equipment. He is member of various international IEC and national standardization committees and working groups and is secretary of CISPR subcommittee F (interference relating to lighting equipment and similar apparatus). He is member of the IEEE EMC Society and the Dutch EMC/ESD Society; http://events.pennwell.com/LED2016.

[3]. M/519/EN, Mandate addressed to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI to develop standardisation in the field of light emitting diodes (LEDs), 12 February 2013.

