Radiant Zemax introduces TrueTest System for automated optical inspection at SID Display Week 2012

June 5, 2012
Date Announced: 05 Jun 2012 Boston, MA - Radiant Zemax, a leading provider of light and color test and measurement systems and optical design software, today announced the launch of its TrueTest system for automated optical inspection at Society for Information Display's (SID) Display Week 2012 Exhibition. TrueTest combines Radiant Zemax's high accuracy imaging colorimeters, a software-based test controller, and an extensive set of standard test functions to provide high speed, high volume optical testing for flat panel display (FPD) production. TrueTest is designed for use in display final assembly, panel subassembly, touch screens, back light units, and cover glass testing.With the increasing importance of flat panel displays and touch screens as the primary user interface for so many products, ensuring optical performance and quality has become critical to brand loyalty and controlling costs, said Paul Caragher, President and CEO of Radiant Zemax, With TrueTest, we are delivering easy-to-deploy automated optical inspection systems that make it possible to identify quality issues early in the manufacturing process when costs are more easily controlled.At the core of TrueTest is highly flexible test control software that allows users to select tests, set pass/fail parameters and criteria, define test patterns, and order the tests in any sequence desired. Once the set-up is complete, on-going operation in a production environment can be fully automated; the TrueTest software controls data acquisition via a Radiant Zemax imaging colorimeter, controls the video pattern generator, and interfaces to the production control system.TrueTest is available out of the box with more than 25 quality and defect detection tests - such as ANSI uniformity, checkerboard contrast, pixel defects, and gradients - and mura detection tests - such as color mura, edge mura, and LED mura. TrueTest also can compute Just Noticeable Difference values with the integrated Radiant Zemax's TrueMura module. The TrueTest system works with any of Radiant Zemax's ProMetric imaging colorimeters, which are available at multiple resolutions and sensitivities. The optimal choice of ProMetric system in any testing application will be determined by a combination of accuracy and resolution requirements.TrueTest provides direct benefits to brand owners by ensuring improved end customer experiences, to manufacturers in the FPD supply chain by enabling them to increase throughput of good products and control costs, and to integrators of embedded displays by making it easy to ensure display quality without having to be a display technology expert. TrueTest works well in any of these applications in its standard configuration. It can also be easily extended through the addition of customized user interfaces and customer programmed tests; this can be done by the user or by Radiant Zemax engineers ontheir behalf.The ability to implement TrueTest throughout the FPD supply chain provides consistency from line to line and facility to facility as it increases throughput and reduces costs, said Hubert Kostal, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Radiant Zemax, TrueTest is Radiant Zemax's 4th generation production test sequencer, and is a major leap forward in capability, ease of use, and processing speed.Already extensively tested in a variety of production applications, TrueTest is available today. It is supported around the world by Radiant Zemax's local support staff and extensive distributor network. For more information, see RadiantZemax.com/TrueTest or contact [email protected] Radiant ZemaxRadiant Zemax, LLC, formed by the 2011 merger of ZEMAX Development Corporation and Radiant Imaging, is a global provider of test, measurement and design tools and systems to the optics, illumination and display industries. Radiant Zemax offers a range of high-quality products that improve and optimize product design and quality while meeting cost goals. Radiant Zemax also has proven production experience with thousands of cameras testing millions of lights and displays, improving production quality and efficiency. Our product lines include; TrueTest production testing systems; ProMetric imaging colorimeters, photometers, imaging goniometers and imaging spheres; and Zemax 12 optical design software. Radiant Zemax is based in Redmond, WA. For more information visit RadiantZemax.com.

Lisa Salvatore Brave New Markets +1 (410) 902-0801, ext. 315

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Web Site:www.radiantzemax.com