The LED Green Company achieves the 102.7 LM/watt light tube

Oct. 4, 2010
Date Announced: 04 Oct 2010 Ponte Vedre Beach, Florida: The LED GREEN Company CFO, Howard Coffey announced today that its technology partner GT Biomescilt Light, a German based LED technology company and LED GREEN an American LED Tube manufacturer working together have achieved a 102.7 LM / watt efficiency on their newly designed 15 watt led tube lamps product. LED GREEN has achieved many firsts in the past few years, They were first to obtain a UL classification in all of North America, first to incorporate their patented end cap switching devise and first to market with a real viable solution to retrofit the common fluorescent lamp.Coffey said; “This lighting system is what America needs right now! Our light tube is not going to be a fast cure to our energy problem buts it certainly a viable solution and one step in the right direction. There is no reason why this cannot be incorporated in most American buildings, we offer a no cash out of pocket solution to qualified. This is just the product that could really make a difference to many companies and institutions facing budget cuts, and companies making hard choices for survival in this time of economic uncertainty. We see school systems, hospitals, office building and municipalities as a major user of our technology. Coffey said, ”Please Understand! We don’t sell light bulbs, we sell energy management through LED technology that will really make a difference in the amount of energy used” This technology could save millions in energy costs, just here in Florida.We are very proud of our products and our developer’s achievement. ” We offer a safe, UL classified alternative to expensive to operate fluorescent lighting. Our solid state products offer a healthy, more natural light without dangerous chemicals while it saves energy and our natural resources. This is something our local governments and school boards should be looking into. Coffey said " Look Up, you're wasting dollars right over your head, with all the incentive programs and money available there is no reason not to Go LEDGREEN."

Howard Coffey The LED GREEN Company Voice Number: 732-741-9099 Cell: 732-939-0323 Fax: 732-741-8170

E-mail:[email protected]
