Wikipedia has a very good introduction to LEDs.
What is an LED?
A very basic introduction to how a light-emitting diode works.
Benefits and drawbacks of LEDs
LEDs offer a huge variety of benefits but at the same time they cannot be viewed as the optimum solution for every lighting-related application. Here, in no particular order, we list some of the main advantages of LEDs, together with some of the challenges faced by these devices.
Terminology: LED efficiency
Explaining terms such as external quantum efficiency, extraction efficiency and wall-plug efficiency.
Radiometric and Photometric terms
Explaining terms and units such as radiant flux, luminous efficacy, lumens and candelas.
An introduction to applications of LEDs
An overview of the LED market
Introduction to Solid-State Illumination
LEDs in Mobile Appliances
LEDs in Vehicles
Signs & Displays
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