China & Taiwan

Sept. 1, 2005
Updated March 2006


AET takeover boosts Arima’s LED capacity (Feb 06)
Two more Taiwan-based LED makers have joined forces, and Epistar has ordered more growth equipment for LED wafers.

LEDs lighting the future: Q&A with Biing-jye Lee, president of Epistar (Dec 05)
In an interview conducted with, Epistar president BJ Lee talks about Taiwan's LED industry, the future demand for LEDs, competition from China and Korea, and his company's merger with UEC.

China conference highlights LED industry developments A recent conference in China confirmed the country’s interest in developing solid-state lighting infrastructure. Bob Steele of Strategies Unlimited reports from the China International Forum on Solid-State Lighting (CIFSSL’05).

Background Information

China promotes benefits of solid-state lighting
The Chinese government is funding a national program to position the country as a leader in solid-state lighting.

Ten members of Taiwan's LED lighting industry have formed a consortium called the Next Generation Lighting Plan to accelerate the development of white LEDs.
* See Taiwanese suppliers target white LED improvements

Selected News

Shenzhen starts to build LED manufacturing base
The Chinese government is investing heavily in a new LED base in Shenzhen, while Osram is rumored to have launched a cooperation with a Chinese company.

NeoPac unveils 300-lumen bulb at LED Lighting Taiwan
PIDA, currently hosting the Photonics Festival in Taiwan, has also estimated blue LED chip production numbers.