Sandia Solid-State Lighting website
Website produced by Sandia National Laboratories (USA)
Contains news, links to government programs
LED Marketplace
Website focusing on LED products
LIGHTING MAGAZINES & WEBSITES is the most comprehensive online directory comprised of thousands of lighting manufacturers. The site is visited by more than 50,000 professionals per month interested in locating suppliers, and can search by keyword and product category.
Architectural Lighting
Published 7 times a year in USA by VNU Business Media (New York)
Entertainment Technology
Biweekly magazine published in the UK
LD+A (Lighting Design + Application)
Monthly magazine published in the USA by IESNA (the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America)
Website covering the whole lighting industry with an LED track, contains news and supplier information
Lighting Dimensions
Monthly magazine published in the USA by Primedia Business, which also produces the annual LDI-Entertainment Technology show
Lighting & Sound International
Lighting & Sound America
Monthly magazines published by PLASA (the Professional Lighting and Sound Association) which also produces the annual PLASA show.
Lighting Equipment News
Monthly magazine published in the UK by Emap
Bimonthly magazine published in the UK by Mondiale Publishing, covers architectural, retail and corporate lighting
Sign Industry
Signs of the Times
Magazine published 11 times/year in the USA by ST Media Group
Sign Web
Website published by ST Media Group
Electronic Display Central
Website published by ST Media Group, has LED channel