Osram Opto targets night vision with infrared emitter

Oct. 11, 2004
LED chip maker Osram Opto Semiconductors has produced an infrared emitter that delivers 50 mW at a "normal" chip size of 0.3 x 0.3 mm.

IR emitter The device, which emits at 850 nm, has been designed with the automotive and security sectors in mind, for use in applications such as night vision systems. This is because the emission wavelength is ideally suited to illuminating CMOS and CCD light detectors, says Osram.

The infrared LED exploits Osram's thin-film chip technology, which allows most of the light generated to escape through the top of the device and reduces loss from the side of the chip.

This means that the light output increases in direct proportion to the surface area of the chip. Osram says that it will present a prototype device at the Electronica show that is nine times the normal size and produces 400 mW at 1 A drive current.

In the future, the company plans to offer such 1 mm2 chips emitting 400 mW in its "Dragon" package.

Osram also believes that the light emission can be improved considerably in future device generations. In two years, it says, output will be increased to 70 mW for the standard chip dimensions.

Even at the current output level, Osram claims that the LED produces a record radiant intensity of 700 mW/sr in a 5 mm radial package.

As well as providing illumination for CCD and CMOS imagers, the high power and shorter wavelength of the LED could increase the distance over which wireless headphones operate.


This news item originally appeared on the Compound Semiconductro website.