The SLG46532V provides a small, low power component for commonly used mixed-signal functions. The user creates their circuit design by programming the one time Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) to configure the interconnect logic, the I/O Pins and the macro cells of the SLG46532V. This highly versatile device allows a wide variety of mixed-signal functions to be designed within a very small, low power single integrated circuit. The additional power supply (VDD2) on the SLG46532V provides the ability to interface two independent voltage domains within the same design. Users can configure pins, dedicated to each power supply, as inputs, outputs, or both (controlled dynamically by internal logic) to both VDD and VDD2 voltage domains. Using the available macro-cells designers can implement mixed-signal functions bridging both domains or simply pass through level-translation in both HIGH to LOW and LOW to HIGH directions.