Funding and Programs: DOE Energy Star program for SSL effective from September 30

Nov. 6, 2008
The Energy Star Solid-State Lighting program, developed by the US Department of Energy with input from various industry stakeholders, came into effect on September 30, 2008.

Energy Star ( is a voluntary labelling program operating in North America that recognizes energy-efficient products in numerous categories that meet or exceed certain performance criteria.

DOE unveiled its criteria one year ago and has been making revisions, as well as educating the industry, in the intervening period. The Energy Star SSL version 1.0 criteria are based on, and intimately linked with, various industry standards such as LM-79 (photometric measurements) and C78.377 (chromaticity) – see LEDs Magazine, Jul/Aug 2008, p7. In fact, the Energy Star launch had to wait until another standard, LM-80, was finally approved by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA).

Also in Funding and Programs:
Procurement scheme draws LEDs into public sector in UK


This article was published in the November/December 2008 issue of LEDs Magazine.

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