Xicato announces 5-yr color-consistency warranty for LED modules at SIL
While the solid-state lighting (SSL) industry has made significant progress in lumen maintenance, color consistency remains a problem, especially as phosphor-converted LEDs shift in color over time. Xicato has long claimed color maintenance as a value-added feature of its LED-based modules that use remote- or cold-phosphor technology, and beginning with an announcement at Strategies in Light (SIL) is now backing that claim with a 5-yr warranty.
The warranty means that luminaire makers using the Xicato modular light engines can ensure luminaire-to-luminaire consistency in light output and color for a minimum of five years. Xicato has enlisted insurance-specialist Munich Re to underwrite a policy that will back the new warranty.
Referring to the remote-phosphor technology, Xicato co-founder Menko de Roos said, "The innovation that enabled Xicato to set the standard for initial color consistency of LED modules that, today, remains the best in the industry, has directly led to our unmatched consistency over time." The consistency is in part due to the fact that phosphor is deposited on secondary optics rather than directly on blue LEDs – isolating the phosphor from heat that can cause color shift.
Xicato had Munich Re assess the risk of product failure through an evaluation of the manufacturer's product-qualification and –manufacturing processes. Munich Re made the decision to underwrite the warranty based on 9000 hrs of reliability testing and Xicato's track record with prior customers.
"Our warranty is unprecedented within our industry in terms of its scope," said de Roos. "No other light source maker, LED or otherwise guarantees color consistency."
To enjoy warranty backing, luminaire manufacturers must have their product designs pass Xicato's Thermal Validation Program (TVP). SSL manufacturers can submit products for TVP testing at no cost, and typically get results in one week.