Interview: Frans Otten of Lemnis Lighting

Feb. 25, 2008
LED lighting supplier Lemnis believes that introducing LED lamps into high volume, low margin markets can have a large impact on climate change.

In November 2007, Lemnis Lighting, a Netherlands company that is developing sustainable lighting solutions based on LEDs, was selected by the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) to be a supplier of LED lightbulbs.

CCI has created a network of providers that enables cities around the world to purchase energy-efficient technologies at lower prices. Vendors chosen for the program have met rigorous environmental and technical standards (see Clinton Climate Initiative embraces LEDs).

Lemnis introduced its Pharox LED light bulb in November 2006 as a direct replacement for incandescent lamps, and has also developed products for other applications such as outdoor and greenhouse lighting.

Lemnis (, based in 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, describes the Pharox lamp as the first LED-based lamp to offer light quality comparable to that of a traditional 40W light bulb, while being 90% more energy-efficient.


This article was published in the January/February 2008 issue of LEDs Magazine.

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