LEDs Magazine News & Insights - May 29th, 2024
Industry news, commentary, research, and applications in LED and solid-state lighting technology and markets
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May 29, 2024

In this week’s News & Insights, we have a more detailed view of the various initiatives discussed at the Net Zero Lighting Conference earlier this month. Mark Halper reveals how several organizations have implemented value chain approaches to achieving greater decarbonization. In light of that, we’ve also included a recent news story about Signify’s efforts to reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions. Is anyone claiming this is a simple shift in business, logistics, and operation methods? Absolutely not. But as conference speakers noted, it can be and is being done.

Meanwhile, don’t forget to register for next week’s webinar if you’re involved in luminaire product development and systems integration. Engineering expert Vachik Javadian of ERP Power is ready to unleash some intel on the benefits of incorporating advanced light engines in fixture design.

Questions? Comments? Article pitches? Email [email protected].

In his second report from the Net Zero Lighting Conference in London, MARK HALPER focuses on value chain relationships.
The German car maker now counts five models using OLEDWorks technology. The new Q6 electric SUV is the first to draw on the New York company’s second-generation offering.
In partnership with Damatex, it could offer all-in-one automation for lighting, HVAC, irrigation, and other aspects of greenhouse growing.
The company reveals value chain shifts and operational changes that led to significant reductions in GHG emissions.
Former redlining practices made a long-term impact on local neighborhood economies and infrastructure. NICK MESLER provides examples of how updated streetlighting approaches result in safer and enlivened communities.
Register for a webinar detailing good design principles for integrating next-generation light engines into LED fixture designs to achieve new cost and performance benefits.
Overhead recessed downlights, cove lighting along the aisles, and decorative linear LEDs incorporated with acoustic panels help transform a lecture hall.
Manufactured with 100% molecular recycled materials, The Clear Coil Collection by LightArt is constructed so the fixtures can be fully recycled at the end of their useful life.