LEDs Applications Digest - Jun 6th, 2024
Monthly digest on high-potential LED lighting applications including health and wellbeing, controlled environment agriculture, and connected systems
LEDs Applications Digest | View online
June 6, 2024

Our June Applications Digest demonstrates the industry’s advances toward green initiatives, with stories about the recent Net Zero Lighting Conference, attended by our Mark Halper. Conference speakers explained the nuances of sustainability goals and why net zero yields greater results than offsetting carbon emissions — though the latter is certainly a marker on the path toward improving our collective carbon footprint. Halper noted that speakers acknowledged that decarbonization is an enormous undertaking, but with small steps come incremental gains.

Meanwhile, electronics distributor Mouser is on its way toward energy savings and efficiency in its Dallas-Forth Worth facility, thanks to a Power over Ethernet system including LED lighting and low-voltage DC power infrastructure. And we learned about the work that Aelius LED is doing to develop a greater understanding in cultivators of horticultural lighting fixture efficacy, light output, and specific properties that improve crops.

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In his second report from the Net Zero Lighting Conference in London, MARK HALPER focuses on value chain relationships.
LUIS SUAU and BETSY CONROY detail how a large-scale PoE lighting project helps an electronics distributor save energy, add flexibility to spaces, and reduce materials footprint.
Horticultural lighting firm designs fixtures to support creative cultivators, from small local food operations to cannabis growers.
Speakers at London conference implore vendors and the value chain to push beyond “offsetting” toward no emissions at all.
DarkSky International's annual report indicates that light pollution prevention remains "extremely low."
Register for a webinar detailing good design principles for integrating next-generation light engines into LED fixture designs to achieve new cost and performance benefits.
With the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) pushing for reporting requirements including financial impact and climate-related impact metrics, organizations in the industrial sector will need to demonstrate, report, and showcase their eco-friendly initiatives. This is where automation software...
Explore these strategies and incentives to reduce the financial challenges related to implementing smart building technologies.