RentAlite contributes to energy-neutral living in Nijmegen with LED parking garage lighting
March 17, 2014
Nijmegen will be in 2045 a energy neutral city, a city that provides its own energy. That is the aim of the college and the council, expressed in the Sustainability Agenda 2011-2015. Energy efficiency and renewables are the guide and everyone in the city will soon be able to participate in this long -term energy vision. The commitment to sustainability is both a major opportunity for economic growth.
RentAlite will equip parking garage Eiermarkt with the Premium Power LED parking lights, thereby contributing to the sustainability of the city. There has been tested in the parking garage with a variety of fixtures, and a combination of different lengths and of different wattages will be installed. The PPL luminaires are equipped with basic dimming of which, by means of motion sensors, you can dim the lights to 0-10-20-30%.
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In order to be, as a city, fully sustainable and independent of fossil fuels in the long term, there are more measures required than just short- term. A transition to a sustainable Nijmegen requires interventions on multiple fronts. The municipality would like to embed sustainability in the coming years in the municipal policy.
For more information regarding LED parking garages please refer to our website