Master4Light – Mobile control unit for both driving and measuring the LEDs
Sept. 3, 2009
Date Announced: 03 Sep 2009 Majantys designed a specific tool for the engineers who need to carry on the characterization of LEDs in various conditions. The Master4Light control unit is a 48x36x20 cm travelling case with all the necessary components for driving the LEDs and for measuring their optical properties.Build with high quality materials, the testing solution integrates an adjustable current source generator for accurately driving the LEDs. The current may be continuous or pulsed, with various amplitudes and frequencies. At the same time the current and the voltage are monitored. In addition two thermocouple inputs enable to probe in real time the temperature of the light source under evaluation. The optical parameters are measured using a spectrophotometer connected to a 80 mm diameter integrated sphere.The electronic and optical components are set in the case, beneath an interface board. There are not moving parts. To start with, the user only set the LED on top of the sphere port and connects it to the nearest dedicated power outputs. Then the case simply connects to an external 9 VDC power adapter and a remote PC via one of its USB port.Using the USB communication protocol, the solution offers a single Windows graphical user interface for adjusting and monitoring all the LED variables. The software gives a quick and intuitive access to the measured spectrum and the color parameters such as the color coordinates, the dominant wavelength, the correlated temperature and the color rendering index. Analysis tools such as the color spaces and alarms are also available.Master4Light is dedicated to the diagnostic and the characterization of LEDs’ optical properties while controlling its driving parameters. The applications include component sourcing, product evaluation and quality control in laboratory as well as industrial environment. The solution is compact and ruggedized enough for operating it in situ.About MajantysMajantys develops and manufactures color measurement systems. The product offerings are based on a modular set of building blocks – spectrophotometer, illumination source and software – which can easily be configured to meet specific customer application requirements. With its 30-year cumulative experience in research and industry, Majantys provides accurate, flexible and scalable color solutions to its customers' projects which involve both technical challenge and budgetary consideration.
Thierry Puppato Marketing and Sales Director Tel. +33-(0)479-624-866 Email [email protected]
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