Date Announced: 13 Dec 2010 Unique to Fernplas is the UK sub-contract services of this Formed-In-Place-Foam-Gasket using the Sonderhoff process. Where we are able to robotically place a Polyurethane seal that attaches to the base unit hence making it a fixed gasket. This process can be complementary to plastic parts that we have moulded or as a pure sub-contract service on your parts be this plastic, metal, etc. This growing area of business has required us to invest in a second machine which has just been installed and commissioned at Alton. This will allow us offer a wider range of services due to the table size and the flow rates this machine can offer. This shows a further major investment by Fern Howard Ltd in the newly acquired Alton moulding division.
Fernplas 2 Newman Lane Alton GU34 2QR Tel. 0845 6804 068
E-mail:[email protected]