Tokuyama Corp installs new system for AlGaN-based UV LED production

Oct. 2, 2007
Date Announced: 02 Oct 2007 Aachen, Germany; – AIXTRON AG is pleased to announce the successful start-up of an AIXTRON 200/4 RF-S epitaxy reactor at Tokuyama, Japan. The system is used for the development and production of AlGaN based ultra-violet light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) and is installed at the Tokuyama R&D center in Tsukuba, Japan.UV-LEDs present significant process challenges but the AIX 200/4 RF-S reactor is capable to provide highest quality GaN and AlGaN layers due to its excellent process stability and 1400°C capability. The AIXTRON system had been evaluated and qualified for this application by Tokuyama during an intense collaboration with Prof. Aoyagi of Tokyo Institute of Technology. The installation of another AIXTRON reactor will accelerate the development of gallium nitride UV LED materials and devices. Tokuyama Corporation, based in Japan, is a world leading developer and manufacturer of a wide range of chemical products including the renowned ultrapure polysilicon for the Electronics Industry. Tokuyama also has the world's largest aluminum nitride (AlN) plant. The high thermal conductivity of AlN is exploited for high temperature components such as power LEDs and laser diodes for DVD recorders and fiber optics.

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