Date Announced: 17 Apr 2007 Elumina's RGB Flex Roll is a three in one RGB linear array of TOPLEDs mounted on a 3 m length of flexible PC (FPC). This light distribution improves RGB lighting intensity and uniformity.With a bending radius of ½ inch, its flexibility means that designers can use it in lighting installations where there are curved surfaces, such as lighting design applications in pubs, cabinets, cove lights, edge lightings and path marking. The designer can also use the Flex Roll for long illuminated lines and it is easy to cut it into sections at each 4.92 inches.Usd with the lighting controller of Elumina model EACO-512IR/EACO-SGU, the DMX 512 IR decoder and signal repeater, you get your desired RGB colored light with a significant operating cost saving in LED configuration. Please visit our website for more information about this product.
Sandy Pan Marketing Dept. ELUMINA Technology Inc. Tel: 886 2 2517 4870 fax: 886 2 2517 3380 [email protected]
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