DesignLights Consortium launches listing of qualified lighting products

Nov. 11, 2009
Date Announced: 11 Nov 2009 -- New Resource Promotes Energy-Efficient LED LightingLEXINGTON, Mass. – Lighting Manufacturers now have a vital link for promoting their energy efficient technologies to utilities and other efficiency program administrators across the nation thanks to the launch of a new independent listing of qualified solid state lighting (SSL) products.The DesignLights™ Consortium (DLC) Qualified Products List ( provides a central place for manufacturers to submit product specifications for energy efficiency program administrators to determine whether an LED fixture qualifies for their incentive programs. “The new DLC Qualified Products List benefits everyone interested in advancing solid state lighting technologies,” says Jon Linn, commercial programs manager at NEEP. “Manufacturers need only to submit product data once to be considered for more than twenty utility and state efficiency programs throughout the Northeast, Midwest, Northwest, California and Canada. Utility program administrators save time not having to review individual manufacturers’ specifications and can be assured that qualified LED fixtures meet energy efficiency, color quality, and projected lifetime requirements.”Most energy efficiency program administrators use the ENERGY STAR listing as an indication of a product’s quality and performance. If a product is listed under ENERGY STAR, it indicates that it is an energy efficient product suitable for promoting through incentives. All energy efficiency programs participating in the DLC qualified products program reference the ENERGY STAR for SSL Luminaires. However ENERGY STAR for SSL does not currently cover all lighting applications. Energy efficiency programs are interested in promoting a wider range of LED lighting products, provided they can meet minimum energy efficiency requirements. The DLC effort complements and expands upon the ENERGY STAR for SSL. “Energy efficiency programs throughout the region, like Efficiency Vermont, are increasingly asked by customers and suppliers for incentives for SSL projects,” says Gabe Arnold, planning and development manager. “However, for products not currently addressed by the ENERGY STAR program, we have had to conduct our own examinations to assure product quality. This has been a tough and time-consuming effort and has raised the need for a central list of qualified products for all program administrators to use.”Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) ( and the DLC, along with assistance from their project team at the Lighting Research Center (LRC,, has developed the DLC Qualified Products List as a stepping stone to promote the latest quality energy efficient technologies. The DLC team keeps in close contact with the ENERGY STAR program to communicate on-going experience and product performance data in support of future ENERGY STAR expansion. “This process brings industry closer to their eventual Energy Star listing,” adds Linn. “Everyone, from program administrators to manufacturers, has voiced their support for this project.”The DesignLights™ Consortium Qualified Products List application requirements are nearly identical to those of ENERGY STAR. The DLC requires manufacturers to submit demanding industry standard test data on their products as part of their application which can be found at These include submission of IES LM-79 test reports, LM-80 reports, UL 1598 reports, full IES files and product lifetime claim evidence.DLC analysts examine manufacturer’s test reports, passing or failing applications based on performance criteria. Products which meet the minimum DLC performance criteria are then added to the DLC Qualified Products List. The list is available to all DLC Sponsors and Participants (utilities and state and regional organizations who operate or support energy efficiency programs) to use in their programs for promoting SSL projects. To find out more about the DLC Qualified Products List, manufacturers can review listing criteria and apply online at --ENDS—Contact: Carrie Nash, Media Relations, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)Phone: 781-860-9177 Ext. 125 Email: Web: ABOUT NEEPNortheast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) is a regional nonprofit organization founded in 1996 whose mission is to promote the efficient use of energy in homes, buildings and industry in the Northeast U.S. through regionally coordinated programs and policies that increase the use of energy efficient products, services and practices, and that help achieve a cleaner environment and a more reliable and affordable energy system. For more information, visit ABOUT the Design Lights Consortium- The Design Lights Consortium is committed to bringing affordable, energy-conscious utility service and lighting design practices to the Northeast. Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc. (NEEP) is spearheading this campaign to educate the marketplace, encourage energy-saving design practices, promote efficient lighting products, and develop tools to assist lighting providers. DLC sponsors are Cape Light Compact, Public Services of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Electric Co-op, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Long Island Power Authority, Efficiency Vermont, Efficiency Maine, New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program, NSTAR Gas & Electric, National Grid, Western Massachusetts Electric Company, and the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund (administered by The Connecticut Light & Power Company Unitil and The United Illuminating Company).In partnership with of the DLC Qualified Products List project the following DLC Participants are actively involved: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation, BC Hydro and Electric Utility Marketing Managers of Texas.

Jonathan Linn Commercial Program Manager Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships Lexington, MA 02421 207-338-9705
